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Close to 200 Students from IUC trained in Peace, Resiliency and Wellness

Violence Prevention Alliance

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Dr Kim Scott (centre) , Programme Director congratulates children at Boys Town Centre at the programme leaving exercise.

The Child Resiliency Programme (CRP) trained 197 students attending the International University of the Caribbean and persons involved in providing care for children “at risk” or emerging from trauma in building Peace, Resiliency and Wellness (PRW).

The students who are pursuing a Guidance and Counseling and Bachelor of Education degree were trained during the summer semester.

The Peace Institute office, to which The Child Resiliency Programme has now been integrated as a part of the institution, was designed, and furnished this term. Drs Kim Scott and Michelle Miller presented the Child Resiliency Programme model as an evidence-based programme for psychosocial support for children and adults affected by adverse child experiences and trauma at the Consortium for Global Health Universities Conference in April and

the University of the West Indies’ Violence Prevention Conference in Barbados under the theme, “From Research to Action”, held in May.

The Child Resiliency Programme leadership team also offered PRW Training to 40 HEART/Trust NSTA instructors as part of a European Union consultancy during the period March-April.

The cohort of 60 referred children ages 10-11 years identified to be “at risk”; from Edward Seaga , Trench Town , Boys Town All Age, St Alban’s and St Annie’s Primary schools and the other 25 children identified to be at risk and supported at Mountain View Primary School continued to take part in literacy and nutritional support, life skills training, creative activities and sporting activities to reinforce life skills training and parent training, counseling and home visits.

The follow up of football talent with CRP children competing on Saturdays at the Constant Spring football field also continued for this summer term with one CRP graduate supported to compete overseas.

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