The Caribbean Male Action Network (CARIMAN) in collaboration with Parenting Partners Caribbean (PPC) will be implementing the ‘Affirming Fatherhood’ project, which will roll out a series of activities in recognition of Father’s Day in June.
Owen 'Blakka' Ellis, Senior Lecturer and Acting Head of Department for Arts Management and Humanities at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts and member of CARIMAN made the disclosure of some of these plans at the Violence Prevention Alliance Steering Committee Meeting, recently.
“The preliminary evaluation of PPC partners shows that there is a real need to effectively address interests and needs of fathers differently from mothers,” he said noting that there have been work done by the Father’s Incorporated among other groups to bring fathers to the fore.
“We recognize the need to do something significant, something large, something hopefully and impactful around fatherhood in the Caribbean. Hence the idea of the project, Affirming Fatherhood,” he explained.
Mr Ellis said the project include activities that will range from webinars, symposia and media campaigns that would be done throughout the Caribbean that encourage and facilitate a space for reflection on positive men who are present in their children’s lives.
“There are number of homes where things are beautiful when daddy is home. They might not be the majority but there are homes where when daddy is home, there is safety, there is comfort, love and compassion,” he said pointing out if these are recognized it will encourage other men to do likewise.
He said the research show that where a positive father figure in the home, there is less likelihood of problematic behavior, entanglement with the law or violence in a child’s like.
“That is the idea in affirming fatherhood, the idea that throughout the Caribbean, we can celebrate and encourage fatherhood,” he said.
Caribbean Male Action Network (CariMAN) is a regional network of individuals and organisations in Caribbean region working on transforming masculinities and engaging men and boys to promote gender equality.