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  • Violence Prevention Alliance

35 Guidance and Counselling Students Certified in Peace Building, Resiliency and Wellness

Guidance and counselling students take a group photo with Dr Kim Scott (seventh from left).

The Child Resiliency Programme leadership team conducted training and certification in peace building, resiliency and wellness for 35 guidance and counselling final year bachelor’s in education and psychology students via the International University of the Caribbean Peace Institute during the Christmas term.

All students graduated from the university on November 23. The renovation and furnishing of the Peace Institute office at the International University of the Caribbean have now been completed.

The Child Resiliency Programme at Boys Town continued successfully with 60 children and their parents referred from Edward Seaga Primary, Boys Town Primary, St Alban’s Primary, Trench Town Primary and St Annie’s Primary. The adjusted referral criteria to include children identified as suffering from anxiety and depression and needing mental health support continued.

The programme site established at Mountain View Primary successfully engaged 25 children referred from Grade 5 in the five arms of the programme: nutritional support, life skills training via circle time, academic support, sports and cultural arts activities and parenting and family counselling after school this term.

Behavioural prizes were awarded to the top two children per house at both Boys Town and Mountain View Primary at midterm and end of term and the winning houses went on a field trip to Castleton Gardens on December 9. Both sites closed off with full attendance with a Christmas concert where students were given the opportunity to perform in drumming, dance and song.

Christmas presents were also distributed to the children by the Junior Musical Theatre Company ( JMTC. One hundred food packages were also distributed to parents by the Joan Duncan Foundation at JMMB.


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