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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Observed November 25

Violence Prevention Alliance

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

Representatives of Children First mark IDEVAW with silent protest at Half-Way-Tree.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW) was recognised on November 25 worldwide to bring awareness to the issues surrounding women and gender-based violence.

Locally, our members initiated several activities. The Nurses Association of Jamaica held their annual Orange Day Walk which is part of the global effort to end

violence against women and children. They led a march at the Percy Junior Hospital in Manchester in observance of the Global call.

The Girl Guides Association hosted a prayer breakfast at the Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel in St Andrew.

Children First participated in a silent protest in Half-Way-Tree to mark the occasion.

The protest was organised by the Jamaica Aids Support.

Meanwhile, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Olivia Grange informed that several pieces of legislation are being amended to provide greater protection for victims of gender-based violence. She said that work has commenced on the Domestic Violence Act, to broaden the scope and definition of 'domestic violence', and the Memorandum of Objects and Reason relating to the draft Firearms Prohibition, Restriction and Regulation Act, 2022, to ensure compliance. Additionally, the Government is conducting a comprehensive review of the National Policy for Gender Equality.




Violence Prevention Alliance - Jamaica

c/o Institute of Sustainable Development
13 Gibraltar Way
The University of the West Indies
Kingston 7

T: (876)690-0947


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